Whenever you see someone who is NOT moving
forward in life, someone who is not trying to improve
his circumstances - it is almost always fear that is
holding him back.
Fear of what?
Fear of failure - yes. Fear of success - sure. Fear of injury -
uh huh. Yes, these fears are common to many.
But fear of criticism is one of the biggest - yet it is also
the least acknowledged.
Many people fear the looks and reactions they will receive
from others when they begin to make changes in how they
do things. It's far easier to sit on the couch or before a computer
getting fatter and fatter than it is to go for a walk or begin
doing pushups and squats.
People generally don't make fun of how fat you are when you're
plopped on a sofa or before a monitor. They might laugh behind
your back, but rarely to your face. But once you walk outdoors
with sweats on, you THINK everyone is looking at you - and you're
afraid they're going to laugh out loud.
But the truth is this: Most people are so busy doing what they're
doing that they don't even see you. And the others, if they're
laughing, they're doing so silently.
Regardless of how others react to YOU - here's the most important
concept you must understand: What other people think about you
is NONE of your business. If someone thinks you're fat, it's not
your business. If someone thinks the way you're training is strange -
none of your business.
If you don't care what others think - what the others think is of no
concern to you. So it won't matter whether you have fear of criticism
or not. You simply acknowledge when you catch yourself being
concerned about someone else's opinion of you. And when you note
how you're breathing shallow and adding stress to your upper neck and
shoulders with the thought of pleasing others - you drop the notion and
say to yourself, 'To heck with them. This is MY life. I'm going to get fit.
I'm going to get healthy - and if someone else has a problem with that,
THEY have the problem, not ME.'
What I have just covered isn't some lofty platitude I am proposing but
don't use myself. Each and every day I receive criticism from someone.
I don't limit myself because of someone else's opinion. Neither should YOU.
If you want to attain better health, if you want to get involved with the
Home Seller Assist program investing in real estate using no money or credt- this
is YOUR goal. Don't ever let anyone distract you from your vision. You are the
one who decides. No one else.
Remain strong. Stay the course. Stay determined.
Make your burning desire for self-improvement stronger than the fault-finding
of others. When your desire burns brighter than the sting of criticism, nothing
can or will stop you.
Larry Potter
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Time to Refinance Your Mortgage Is Now

By Ted Peroulakis
Do you have a mortgage with a variable or high interest rate? If you do, it makes a lot of sense to refinance. Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages are currently only about 5 percent - and you want to lock in a low rate now, because inflation is on the horizon.
Inflation is coming due to the colossal amount of money that's being created by the U.S. government to put toward the country's economic problems. The country's heavy debt load and deficit spending could also cause higher inflation. The government is on pace to spend $1.8 trillion more than it takes in this year, a record level of deficit spending. And the national debt is over $11 trillion.
Recently, the Fed has been cutting interest rates in an attempt to restart economic growth. But the Fed's main job is to keep inflation at acceptable levels. So when inflation gets out of control (which it probably will when we finally emerge from this recession), they will have to increase interest rates. (You may remember that interest rates hit 18 percent in the 1970s under similar circumstances.)
Lock in that 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at today's low 5 percent rate, before rates start to skyrocket. You'll be glad you did.
Refinance now and close in 20-days at http://www.fastsellerloans.com
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