Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Be consistent in your marketing.

The majority of small businesses are inconsistent in their follow-up.

They might send an email or direct mail piece and then wait months

before sending another one. Without consistency, your prospect has

no idea who you are. Can you imagine how quickly emails from unknown

senders get deleted?

Furthermore, inconsistency can cause a perception of ineffectiveness.

Nobody wants to buy from a company they don't trust.

Larry Potter

Monday, March 30, 2009

Offer something smaller.

Your no charge gift or a no charge teleseminar that offers value and gets people on your list is a great marketing tool.

That way you will be able to build relationships with them and offer your services to them after they have gotten to know you.

Doing this will get you many more service clients than just promoting your services on social networking web sites.

Larry Potter

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Entrepreneurship in a Pill

Instead of building a profitable business by learning through experience, practice, and with the help and advice of others who have "been there, done that" - Cambridge University researchers would like to think you will one day be able to do it by taking a pill.

The esteemed scientists are exploring the possibility of creating a drug that would replicate the brain chemistry of successful entrepreneurs.

According to Barbara Sahakian, Ph.D., leader of the research team, such a drug has the potential to enhance risk tolerance (necessary for decision making) and cognitive flexibility (necessary for problem solving).

Yep. That'll do it.

(Source: CNN)

Larry Potter

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A marketing move or a gamble?

Have you ever felt like you were gambling when you made a marketing move? Maybe you took out an advertisement somewhere...or maybe you didn't because it felt too risky.

You could write your ad, and pick a perfect spot to put it, but who knows if it would actually WORK? Would you make the money back that you spent? Did you know that NOBODY knows the answer to this question right off the bat? Not even the most seasoned marketing experts.

Of course, with experience comes a better ability to guess. But there's a way to take the guesswork out of it. Once I learned about this, I simply haven't been able to not do it. And I've heard the same from countless marketers out there.

Why gamble if you don't have to? The answer? TEST your marketing.

Instead of just taking out one ad and seeing if it works...Takeout a few. And make them different. Then, measure the responses, and you'll be gathering hard, statistical information on what works and what doesn't.

It sounds simple, but once you get into it, you're on to the real power of marketing. You will learn so much from this, I promise.

One of the best things you can look at for learning purposes is how many of your emails were opened, based on a given subject line. After trying a few different subject lines and looking at the percentage that are opened, you will really hone your skills on how to write effective subject lines for a given situation.

The subject line is the most important feature of an email too-- if it isn't any good, the rest of the email won't even be read -- they never opened it!

Larry Potter

Friday, March 20, 2009

Why the Words You Use Might Be Sabotaging Your Success

By Yanik Silver

Words are words, right? If you make a mistake and tell yourself "I'm an idiot," you're joking, of course. So it doesn't really matter. Or does it?

In fact, the more you say the same things over and over to yourself the more you internalize them.

Play back your built-in recorder and listen to the words you use when talking about money and success. Are you guilty of saying negative things like "filthy rich," "I can't afford that," or "look at those rich people - they're so lucky"?

Pay attention when you're talking to yourself and to others and you'll be shocked at the self-defeating language that creeps in.

One word I've worked hard to get rid of in my own life is "try." I bet you can catch yourself saying it to a friend. ("I'll try to make it tonight.") Or to a customer. ("I'll try to get that over to you today.") Umm... B.S.! Either you will or you will not.

Reframe negative talk and turn it around.

In his Rich Dad series, Robert Kiyosaki frequently uses the example of the Poor Dad saying "I can't afford this" and the Rich Dad asking himself, instead, "How can I afford this?"
That's a completely different and empowering statement.

"I can't..." or "I won't..." closes you down to solutions. "How can I...?" or "How will I...?" causes your brain to search for the answer to the problem.

[Ed. Note: Master Internet marketer Yanik Silver (www.MaverickBusinessInsider.com) knows that attitude and positive thinking can make or break your business or your career.
For countless more tips on defeating the "self-sabotaging" behaviors to which you are prone, check out Early to Rise's Unscrew Your Life newsletter.]

Larry Potter

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Importance of Being Urgent

By Rich Schefren

There's one thing that all successful Internet marketers and business owners I've come in contact with have in common.

A sense of urgency.

Successful entrepreneurs look at practically every moment of every day as a challenge -and they attack it accordingly. This need for achievement motivates them to turn their ideas into action.
On the other end of the spectrum are "passive" entrepreneurs. They live every day pursuing their dreams safely, never taking risks or pushing the envelope, and hoping something good will happen.

I'm not just talking out of my keister here. I'm a living, breathing example of a former passive personality.

It wasn't until a mentor shook me from the doldrums and forced me to take that first step into the unknown that I started to see some serious results.

Why? Because successful people act from a sense of urgency.

So today, I want you to do exactly what I did. Ditch the passive nature and begin looking at your dreams with a SENSE OF URGENCY.

Tell yourself, "Today, I'm going to make a change and act from a sense of urgency. And these are the first two actions I'm going to take..."

[Ed. Note: Rich Schefren - one of the world's best small-business strategists - knows a thing or two about what it takes to be successful. The businesses he coaches have done over $500 million every year - piling up more than $1 billion in sales every two years. Visit his blog to learn how to streamline your business while skyrocketing profits.

The ability to sell is another trait shared by successful entrepreneurs. If you don't know how to sell, you're LOSING money. It's time to amp up your selling skills. You can learn how to do it from Gene Schwartz, one of the world's best copywriters. Get the details here.]

Larry Potter

Monday, March 16, 2009

Future Time...

When asked about his outstanding performance on the ice, Wayne Gretzky replied, "A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.

Where is your business focusing?

I've found that one of the most powerful practices as an entrepreneur is to spend a day away from the office, dream a little, and envision my company 1, 3, 5 years into the future.

When I occasionally "fly into the future" it makes it easier to come back to the present, push through obstacles, and chart my course to the future I have envisioned.

Spend some time in the future and you'll be able to "skate to where the puck is going to be!"

Larry Potter

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Who Provided The Cash???

The "No Response Necessary" E-Mail Productivity Trick

By Jason Holland

Some days it seems like half your e-mail time is spent sending short replies to people to let them know you got their e-mail.

"Thanks!" "Got it!" "Working on it!"

Of course, there are times when an important e-mail requires confirmation. But for the most part, it's just a courtesy.

So let's all agree to stop. It cuts down on productivity. And the time would be better spent writing and following up on e-mails that do require a response.

So here's what you do. Before hitting "Send," type "No Response Necessary" in the message or even on the subject line. (In Outlook, you can simply click the little red flag on your toolbar and choose that option from the dropdown menu.)

Ask your colleagues to do the same. Before you know it, that flurry of unnecessary replies will stop and you will have added hours to your workweek.

Larry Potter

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Don't Improve Your Weakest Area

To be extremely successful - in business, career, and wealth building, like We Provide The Cash - you don't have to be good at a lot of things. In fact, you can attain an extremely high level of success even if you are really good at only one thing.

Warren Buffett made this point some years ago in a lecture to a group of college students. He told his audience that he is not very strong, not very fast, not very physical, not very athletic. "If I was dropped in the middle of Africa, I'd be eaten by a lion within two minutes." However, because he is good at one thing - investing in the stock market - Buffett is an extremely wealthy man.

You don't have to be good at a lot of things. Find one thing in life that you love - that turns you on, that you are passionate about - and keep doing it. The more you do it, the better you'll get at it.

Of course, to ensure financial success, that "thing" - that singular passion - must be something others will pay money for. To paraphrase Aristotle, "Where your passions intersect with the needs of the public, therein lies your vocation."

A mistake many people make is to work to improve themselves in areas where they are weak. What you should do instead is work to improve yourself in the one area where you are strongest.

Why? Because we are a society of specialists.

Success does not come from being a Jack of all trades and a master of none. It comes from mastering a skill or body of knowledge that others - employers or customers - will pay you to share.

Society admires the Renaissance man, the well-rounded individual. But more often than not, it's the singularly focused person - Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Tiger Woods - who reaps the greatest rewards.

Larry Potter


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I Shocked By Saturday Night Live Skit...‏

Last weekend, a SNL nightly news bit came on
and opened with this...

"It was announced by Warren Buffet today that he will keep
investing in the stock market even though it is in turmoil..."

and then the punch line went something like....

"It just goes to show you that as long as you have billions of
dollars, everything is still ok."

Without trying to... Saturday Night Live had taught millions of
viewers a HUGE lesson if they were paying attenton.

A lesson that I have been trying to teach YOU.

The lesson is this...

When you create your own wealth and are in control of what you
make, there is no such thing as a bad economy.

In fact, a bad economy INCREASES the wealth of those who can offer
solutions to people's money problems.

I have been presenting you will a few solutions to your time,
financial, and lifestyle freedom issues.

I am currently featuring a program because it fits the needs of
today's opportunity seeker.

It's VERY inexpensive, it is extremely simple, and most
importantly... it can produce a MASSIVE extra income very quickly.

Home Seller Assist

In fact, I have been able to use the program above to turn a single
$697 spend into over $57,000 in 9 months.

If it's not for you, that's ok. Just find SOMETHING that is.

Take a look at the link above and I am pretty sure
that you will be impressed.

Bottom line is that unless you want to always be at the mercy of
things that you cannot control like the economy, your employer,
etc... you have to create your OWN wealth.

I am here to help you.

To Your Success,

Larry Potter

Monday, March 9, 2009

Content at Your Fingertips

Looking for material that you can use for your e-books and other We Provide The Cash information products? There are countless resources for finding content that's in the public domain. By that, I mean content that was never copyrighted... or that was copyrighted but the copyright expired. You can repackage and republish that stuff to your heart's content, without the author's permission. And you don't have to pay him or her a cent.

Do a quick Google search for "books public domain," and you'll find tons of possibilities. But as veteran copywriter and marketing expert Bob Bly points out, there is an "analog" method for finding public domain works too. And this one can be even better, because it allows you to thumb through the material to make sure it suits your needs.

Bob's recommendation is to check out used bookstores for old books in your niche. Books published prior to 1963 that have not had their copyrights renewed are fair game, and you are free to do with them as you wish. (Check the U.S. Copyright Office records first - www.copyright.gov/records/ - to be sure.)

Larry Potter

Saturday, March 7, 2009

3 Tips for Attracting New Clients Even During a Slow Economy

You obviously need paying clients in order for you to stay in business. And even if you haven't been keeping up with the news, there's no getting around the fact that we are in the midst of a recession. But that does NOT mean that you have to give in to that knee-jerk reaction and go into emergency mode.

Despite anything that is happening in the world today, your market still wants solutions to their problems, and maybe more now than ever. So here are three things that you can do right now to start converting those prospects into paying clients.

1. Ask your market what their biggest obstacle is. I did this just the other day and got great results and new ideas for my business. If you have an ezine or newsletter list, simply send out an email asking them to tell you what their biggest obstacle is related to your business. While you're at it, ask them what their biggest desire is too. Stop assuming to know what it is that they want and just ask them.

2. Create a program that will remove the obstacle and create the desire. Package a program with a beginning, middle, end and intended results. Take the most common response from #1 that you feel confident you can approach and you now have a solution that your market will pay for.

3. Take away the risk. If you get results from your clients, then back it up. Let them know that you will guarantee the results. Don't worry about people asking for their money back. The additional clients and customers that you'll get from offering some sort of guarantee will more than cover the small percentage of people who will ever ask for their money back.

All three steps can be done in a couple days. Put the question out to your list, outline a program based on the results and remove the risk for people to get involved.

Start with step one today.

Don't put it off and wait until tomorrow, because odds are it won't get done.

A Helpful Solution just for YOU!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Be a Leader

In any group, one person will always stand out and be just a half-step ahead of the rest. It's this leader people want to be associated with.

Leaders are even more important during times of financial trouble, when folks are scared to make decisions on their own. They look to someone who has the courage to act, the guts to take risks, and the nerve to stand up to criticism. These are the characteristics that set leaders apart from followers.

Identify the key factors that separate you from your competition and start telling the world about it!

Be a leader. Take charge.

No one is going to do it for you. You have to stand up and deliver on your own.

Larry Potter

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

4 Ways to Make MORE Money in a Stinking Recession

I am so sick of turning on the TV or opening a newspaper. All you get are media-inspired "doom and gloom" stories about the stinking recession.

Now I don't mean to make light of a serious situation. I know that a lot of very big companies have been caught with their pants down, so to speak. And I know that many good, honest folks have lost a lot of money - or even their jobs - as a result of the current crisis, through absolutely no fault of their own.

But that doesn't mean you should hide your head in the sand and wait for "the good times to roll" again before you embark on a new business venture. The truth is, NOW is the best time - especially on the Internet.

Businesses that are launched in hard times are better equipped to survive than those that grow bloated and fat during times of surplus spending. But in order to thrive during an economic slowdown, you need to know how to do things the smart way, and not waste money you don't have on strategies that won't work.

Today, I'd like to share with you four cheap and easy ways to create new streams of income with an Internet business.

Without further ado, here they are:

#1. Generate passive income with a niche website like We Provide The Cash

A niche-centered Internet business is the best way to profit from a downturn, because the cost of entry is so low... and the upside is enormous.

On top of that, an Internet business is very forgiving. You never have to "bet the farm" on an idea. You test it out, and if it isn't working, you find out right away. Then, you can either fix it or move on to something better.

#2. Join an affiliate program that aligns with your current business model.

This is the fastest way to grow an existing Internet business, guaranteed.

Your customers are very likely to buy from you again and again - but how do you get them to do that if you have only one product? Easy. You offer them affiliate products.

All you need to do is conduct some research into your market and discover what products your audience is clamoring for (beyond what you already provide).

Then you find an affiliate program that offers such products, and sign up with them.

Then you simply e-mail your customers special offers for those products... mention them on your site, in your e-newsletter, and in your blog... and watch the orders come rushing in!

#3. Start a blog or e-newsletter to strengthen your relationship with your customers.

In turbulent times, the businesses that are truly successful go the extra mile to build a strong relationship with their customers and prove that they always have their customers' best interests in mind.

Starting a blog or e-newsletter is a great way to do this. It helps you personalize your Internet business, and allows your customers to get a glimpse of the people behind the scenes. This goes a long way toward reassuring wary online shoppers that you're someone they want to do business with.

Not only that... search engines absolutely love the fresh and frequently updated content in blogs and e-newsletters. And that means you'll get a big boost in the search engine rankings and drive more qualified visitors to your site.

Write helpful articles to boost your reputation.

An effective way to spread the word about your business and boost your reputation as an "expert" is to write free articles on topics related to your industry, and then submit them to the Internet's top article directories.

The benefits of doing this are twofold...

1. Your target audience will become familiar with your name, and will be far more likely to buy your products.

2. The links you'll get from the articles that point back to your site will give you a nice boost in your search engine rankings.

The bottom line is that every little thing counts. You have to do what you can to separate yourself from the pack and stand out from your competitors. And you have to keep your eyes open for every opportunity to add new streams of income to your business.

This is especially important during an economic slowdown. If one or more income streams dry up, your business will continue to thrive.

With an Internet business, you never have to worry. As long as you build the business on a solid niche, and are always looking for ways to diversify your income streams, you'll be able to keep afloat... even when others around you are drowning.

Larry Potter