Friday, January 2, 2009

Utah looks to make Sugar Bowl history vs Tide and Home Seller Assist

The Crimson Tide won its last national championship in the 1993 edition, its eighth victory in 12 previous appearances in New Orleans during the new year.

Will they prosper this time? Time will tell...

As for most Amercians, prosperity in the midst of a worsening economic recession might sound like a pipe dream going into 2009.

But the reality is that those who'll prosper in 2009 will be those with a definite plan in mind and a lot of courage. Those who work the Home Seller Assist program created by John Alexander will do great!

As we've seen during the 2008 holiday season, most Americans are focused on survival right now.

They're circling the wagons in an attempt to protect themselves.

But some lone guns are out in the hostile economic wilderness searching for gold mines of opportunity.

Prosperity Road won't be easy to travel at first. There's bound to be plenty of cactus and wild weather to hamper the journey.

But in the end, those gold mines will be worth the effort.

So how will you find your gold mine?

By mapping out where you want to go and how to get there.

If you want to go from survival mode to Prosperity Road, click here.

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