Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How and Why To Do A 3-Way Call

Why We Do Three Way Calls at We Provide The Cash

Once you have EXPOSED your prospect to Home Seller Assist or some other program, and have discovered that they have some level of interest, the next step is to do a 3-way call.

The main reason we do 3-way calls is because it’s part of “the system.” Think about Mc Donalds for example. When you walk into a Mc Donalds, 9 times out of 10 the French fries are where? On the left side. Why is that? Because that’s “the system!”

Did Mc Donalds get huge because they have the world’s best hamburgers? Of course not! The hamburgers are nasty! Mc Donald’s became one of America’s biggest success stories because they had systems in place to assure their success. The French fries are always on the left. SYSTEMS!

So, doing 3-way calls are part of “the system.” If you follow the system, you can make it big in the Home Seller Assist business. If you don’t, you’ll be like every other “burger stand” out there that tried and failed.

Think of a little child, about 5 years old, standing on a pier in the ocean. He is holding a fishing pole that’s about 4 times his size, and all of a sudden a 10-foot, 200 pound Blue Marlin grabs the line. Do you think the child will need some help? Absolutely. So your job, especially when you are new, or when you are a “child” in this business, is to get prospects on the line. Our job is to reel them in and keep you safe in the process. Even if you think you can “handle it”… remember… SYSTEMS!

Here’s a rule of thumb that will assure your success. Never sponsor anyone into a business until you have done a 3-way call with them. If you do that, you’ll be “safe.”

Now that you know why we do 3-way calls, lets discuss…

How We Do 3-Way Calls

Once you have exposed your prospect to a program like We Provide The Cash and have discovered that they have some level of interest, the next step is to do a 3-way call. Here's how that would work. Let's say your prospects name is Joe.

Joe just heard our 30 minute webcast on Wed evenings at 7 pm over at about the business. When the call is over you say:

YOU: "Joe could you hear that alright?"
JOE: "Yeah I could here it just fine."
YOU: "Great! So what did you like best?"
(key question – use it!)

No matter what Joes says, if it is positive at all you move to the next step.

YOU: "So Joe, on a scale of 1 - 10 where would rate your interest?"

If Joe says he is a 0-5, arrange to get him another exposure, like a video or CD-Rom. If he says he is a 6 – 10, then do a 3-way call immediately!

So let's back track:

YOU: "So Joe, on a scale of 1 - 10 where would rate your interest?"
JOE: "Oh, I'd say I was about 6 or a 7.”
YOU: "Awesome Joe, I knew you'd see this! Joe, I want to introduce you to a phenomenal individual who is leading the national expansion for our company. He has a lot of fun in this business, he loves helping people, he’s making a lot of money, and can certainly answer any of your questions. He’s extremely busy but hold on just a sec, let me see if I can get him on the line. (Key phrase – Use it…word for word)

You hit the flash button on your phone and dial the number for the person that is helping you with 3-ways.

Let’s say your sponsor or the person you are using for a 3-way, is Mr. Alexander. Here’s how that conversation would go.
...ring, ring, ring...

YOU: “Hi Mr. Alexander. I’ve got my friend Joe on the other line. He just heard our 4-minute recorded overview on the phone and says he’s a 6 or 7. He is a fireman and really wants to change professions. Also, he is married and has 3 kids.”

MR. ALEXANDER: “Great, let me talk to him.”

You hit the flash button again on your phone and now all 3 of you are on a 3-way call!

YOU: “Hey Joe I have Mr. Alexander on the line. Mr. Alexander this is my friend Joe.

Your job now is to BE QUIET and let the expert be the expert. Mr. Alexander will take it from there. If All Mr. Alexander is going to do is tell his story and invite Joe to the next live event in his area, unless of course Joe was a “10.” In that case Mr. Alexander would simply tell Joe how to get started. And that’s how you do it!

Larry Potter

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