Sunday, October 4, 2009

We Provide The Cash says homeowners still in trouble...

Modification programs have been slow to get off the ground. Only 12 percent of a potential 3 million delinquent mortgages have begun the process of being reworked, or put into "a trial modification," according to Treasury Department data through August, the most recent available.

Housing advocates say homeowners still face reluctant lenders.

Some told homeowners that they couldn't participate in the program when they should've been allowed to do so.

And mortgage servicers are slow to respond and confused about modification rules while looking for reasons to avoid making the modifications when they are most needed, rather than for opportunities to make them.

This is why companies like We Provide The Cash (otherwise known as Home Seller Assist) are signing up many investors to use their 100% funding to buy short sales and REOs.

Larry Potter

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