Thursday, October 9, 2008

Those Who Know Where to “Pan” Are Getting Rich

It seems like everyone is dipping their hands in the Internet money-making river, and finding a few "gold nuggets" here and there... But a few people are extracting wagon loads of money from one secret spot.

And, as much as those "lucky few" are frantically scooping up their share, this secret spot keeps growing by leaps and bounds every year, and there's no way they can keep up. Truth be told, there's too much "gold" here to take home in several lifetimes – even if thousands of people find this spot. This could very well be the mother lode of online business profits.

Think I'm making this up? Try this number: $170 BILLION. That's how much was ready to be scooped up last year. This year, the pot will only get bigger. Much bigger.

So, come get yours.

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