... To Long Term Success Online
You know it's really amazing to me that many
"business opportunities" out there today still
tell their recruits that all they have to do to
succeed is to drive traffic to their cookie cutter
company replicated website.
What a HUGE lie. Those replicated sites have always
been terrible at opt-in conversion and sales.
TERRIBLE. Garbage.
Yet, that's what is still being taught to newbies
on the net... And they go out there and buy all kinds
of advertising, using horrible copywriting which
directs people to a company replicated site...
and they wonder why they're spending way more than
they're making. It's a shame really.
This is done because the people selling them these
"programs" don't care one ounce about their new member's
success. They've got the paypal money already and a
company replicated site is just a quick way to "provide
a system" for their new people.
You see many people who see your site are really
thinking; "Who are you? And why should I care?"
Subconsciously, this is what is being asked each
time a prospect is at your site. It's deep marketing
psychology and human nature.
The fact is, you're losing a lot of business if you
aren't automatically answering this question every
time you communicate with your prospects.
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