Saturday, March 7, 2009

3 Tips for Attracting New Clients Even During a Slow Economy

You obviously need paying clients in order for you to stay in business. And even if you haven't been keeping up with the news, there's no getting around the fact that we are in the midst of a recession. But that does NOT mean that you have to give in to that knee-jerk reaction and go into emergency mode.

Despite anything that is happening in the world today, your market still wants solutions to their problems, and maybe more now than ever. So here are three things that you can do right now to start converting those prospects into paying clients.

1. Ask your market what their biggest obstacle is. I did this just the other day and got great results and new ideas for my business. If you have an ezine or newsletter list, simply send out an email asking them to tell you what their biggest obstacle is related to your business. While you're at it, ask them what their biggest desire is too. Stop assuming to know what it is that they want and just ask them.

2. Create a program that will remove the obstacle and create the desire. Package a program with a beginning, middle, end and intended results. Take the most common response from #1 that you feel confident you can approach and you now have a solution that your market will pay for.

3. Take away the risk. If you get results from your clients, then back it up. Let them know that you will guarantee the results. Don't worry about people asking for their money back. The additional clients and customers that you'll get from offering some sort of guarantee will more than cover the small percentage of people who will ever ask for their money back.

All three steps can be done in a couple days. Put the question out to your list, outline a program based on the results and remove the risk for people to get involved.

Start with step one today.

Don't put it off and wait until tomorrow, because odds are it won't get done.

A Helpful Solution just for YOU!

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