By Yanik Silver
Words are words, right? If you make a mistake and tell yourself "I'm an idiot," you're joking, of course. So it doesn't really matter. Or does it?
In fact, the more you say the same things over and over to yourself the more you internalize them.
Play back your built-in recorder and listen to the words you use when talking about money and success. Are you guilty of saying negative things like "filthy rich," "I can't afford that," or "look at those rich people - they're so lucky"?
Pay attention when you're talking to yourself and to others and you'll be shocked at the self-defeating language that creeps in.
One word I've worked hard to get rid of in my own life is "try." I bet you can catch yourself saying it to a friend. ("I'll try to make it tonight.") Or to a customer. ("I'll try to get that over to you today.") Umm... B.S.! Either you will or you will not.
Reframe negative talk and turn it around.
In his Rich Dad series, Robert Kiyosaki frequently uses the example of the Poor Dad saying "I can't afford this" and the Rich Dad asking himself, instead, "How can I afford this?"
That's a completely different and empowering statement.
"I can't..." or "I won't..." closes you down to solutions. "How can I...?" or "How will I...?" causes your brain to search for the answer to the problem.
[Ed. Note: Master Internet marketer Yanik Silver ( knows that attitude and positive thinking can make or break your business or your career.
For countless more tips on defeating the "self-sabotaging" behaviors to which you are prone, check out Early to Rise's Unscrew Your Life newsletter.]
Larry Potter
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