Sunday, November 29, 2009
Bank Forced To Cancel $500,000+ Loan Balance After Owner Gets Loan Mod
Sunday, October 4, 2009
We Provide The Cash says homeowners still in trouble...
And mortgage servicers are slow to respond and confused about modification rules while looking for reasons to avoid making the modifications when they are most needed, rather than for opportunities to make them.
This is why companies like We Provide The Cash (otherwise known as Home Seller Assist) are signing up many investors to use their 100% funding to buy short sales and REOs.
Larry Potter
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
How and Why To Do A 3-Way Call
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Easily Segment Your We Provide The Cash Tweet Stream
When you're following a substantial number of We Provide The Cash friends, it becomes near impossible to focus in on tweets that come from a subset of your friends. Those tweets are merged with the rest and you have to hunt for them, and worse, you may miss some if you don't page back far enough. Larry G Potter |
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Financial Destination Inc
Sunday, August 30, 2009
What the heck is Web 3.0 ?
What the heck is Web 3.0 ?
It's Web 1.0 + Web 2.0 = WEB 3.0
As you know, Web 1.0 was simply an acronym for eCommerce. Back then, retail stores wanted to do business on the internet rather than just using expensive retail storefronts. Many saw the power of the internet to attract an entirely new audience that may not have had the chance to visit their store in person. This would without doubt give them access to more potential customers for less cost.
Web 2.0, in its simplest definition and use today, has become an acronym for the everyday person's ability to communicate and collaborate globally using Social Networking. It has made things more user friendly to us, and as such, companies have come to embrace these new design and communication formats to engage with their customers.
Web 3.0 brings these two worlds together for the average person to be able to harness the power of the internet to begin to profit with multiple streams of income online by introducing products and services to their groups of followers (also known as their list and also as their tribe).
More info can be found at
We have live training every Wed evening, you don't want to miss it
and remember, it FR.33
Get Your Free Training
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Dream Big

Visit the DuPontRegistry to
picture yourself in bigger, nicer homes,
sweet cars, awesome yachts, etc.
If you have never been
to that site before, go now and take a
look for yourself:
style. Print some listings and look at
them every single day.
Become one with your goals and they will
come to you.
To YOUR Success, (always)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Grab a New Contact's Attention...

How to Instantly Grab a New Contact's Attention With Your Answer to One Question
By Ilise BenunOne of the first questions you get when you meet someone at a networking event is "What do you do?" You need to answer this question not only at networking events but on job applications... on your website or blog... in promotional materials... and that's just the half of it!
Clearly conveying the kind of work you do can be something of a challenge. You don't want to say "I'm a copywriter" or "I sell shoes." Boring! You want to capture the other person's attention and get them to remember you.
Last week, a new client gave me a great idea for how to answer this critical question: Get the language from your testimonials (or even the testimonials on your competitors' websites).
For example, I could take this testimonial for my business, Marketing Mentor:
"Thank you so much for helping me - I think I'd still be spinning my wheels! You've been a great partner in this sometimes halting process of getting the word out about what I do."
... and turn it into this:
"We partner with you so you can stop spinning your wheels and get the word out about what you do."
[Ed. Note: Ilise Benun is an author, consultant, national speaker, and co-founder of She helps her clients learn the tools they need to market their services, get ideal clients, and grow their businesses.
You can get twice-monthly marketing tips and a free report on "20 Ways to Get Your Prospects to Call You Back" when you sign up for Ilise's Quick Tips newsletter.]
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Watch out for the "boogey man"..
forward in life, someone who is not trying to improve
his circumstances - it is almost always fear that is
holding him back.
Fear of what?
Fear of failure - yes. Fear of success - sure. Fear of injury -
uh huh. Yes, these fears are common to many.
But fear of criticism is one of the biggest - yet it is also
the least acknowledged.
Many people fear the looks and reactions they will receive
from others when they begin to make changes in how they
do things. It's far easier to sit on the couch or before a computer
getting fatter and fatter than it is to go for a walk or begin
doing pushups and squats.
People generally don't make fun of how fat you are when you're
plopped on a sofa or before a monitor. They might laugh behind
your back, but rarely to your face. But once you walk outdoors
with sweats on, you THINK everyone is looking at you - and you're
afraid they're going to laugh out loud.
But the truth is this: Most people are so busy doing what they're
doing that they don't even see you. And the others, if they're
laughing, they're doing so silently.
Regardless of how others react to YOU - here's the most important
concept you must understand: What other people think about you
is NONE of your business. If someone thinks you're fat, it's not
your business. If someone thinks the way you're training is strange -
none of your business.
If you don't care what others think - what the others think is of no
concern to you. So it won't matter whether you have fear of criticism
or not. You simply acknowledge when you catch yourself being
concerned about someone else's opinion of you. And when you note
how you're breathing shallow and adding stress to your upper neck and
shoulders with the thought of pleasing others - you drop the notion and
say to yourself, 'To heck with them. This is MY life. I'm going to get fit.
I'm going to get healthy - and if someone else has a problem with that,
THEY have the problem, not ME.'
What I have just covered isn't some lofty platitude I am proposing but
don't use myself. Each and every day I receive criticism from someone.
I don't limit myself because of someone else's opinion. Neither should YOU.
If you want to attain better health, if you want to get involved with the
Home Seller Assist program investing in real estate using no money or credt- this
is YOUR goal. Don't ever let anyone distract you from your vision. You are the
one who decides. No one else.
Remain strong. Stay the course. Stay determined.
Make your burning desire for self-improvement stronger than the fault-finding
of others. When your desire burns brighter than the sting of criticism, nothing
can or will stop you.
Larry Potter
Saturday, June 6, 2009
The Time to Refinance Your Mortgage Is Now

By Ted Peroulakis
Do you have a mortgage with a variable or high interest rate? If you do, it makes a lot of sense to refinance. Thirty-year fixed-rate mortgages are currently only about 5 percent - and you want to lock in a low rate now, because inflation is on the horizon.
Inflation is coming due to the colossal amount of money that's being created by the U.S. government to put toward the country's economic problems. The country's heavy debt load and deficit spending could also cause higher inflation. The government is on pace to spend $1.8 trillion more than it takes in this year, a record level of deficit spending. And the national debt is over $11 trillion.
Recently, the Fed has been cutting interest rates in an attempt to restart economic growth. But the Fed's main job is to keep inflation at acceptable levels. So when inflation gets out of control (which it probably will when we finally emerge from this recession), they will have to increase interest rates. (You may remember that interest rates hit 18 percent in the 1970s under similar circumstances.)
Lock in that 30-year fixed-rate mortgage at today's low 5 percent rate, before rates start to skyrocket. You'll be glad you did.
Refinance now and close in 20-days at
Thursday, May 28, 2009
We are looking to lend money, plain & simple.

So What! You Say!
You sell real estate to make money! Closings equal income!
We Close Loans!
We Have A Loan Closing Success Rate Of 98%
We will get back to you within 2 hours of initial contact
Most closings in 20 days
Competitive rates and closing costs*
Greater success closing loans for clients with past bankruptcy and foreclosures
No hidden fees policy
Willingness to analyze and if necessary, work with client’s to repair their credit scores
If you are a realtor we need your contact information and the following information about your client
1. Name
2. Address
3. Date of Birth
4. Social Security Number
5. Phone Number
We are serious about our business and yours. Your information is held in strict confidence. We are compliant with all F.A.C.T.A and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act requirements. We are in all states except Wisconsin, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Georgia.
Contact Larry Potter at
Skype: lpotter33
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
It is going to hit the fan....
With the initial jobless claims coming upon us tomorrow, one of the misconceptions
that you will hear almost every day is that the jobs numbers are a "lagging" indicator,
and that as long as they aren't getting worse, it's a sign that we are on our way
to a healing. So, I figured that what I'd do is explain where that came from.
Over the years it was indeed true that the economy would be on the mend before you'd
see a meaningful move higher in employment. This was simply a matter of economic
mechanics over the past 40 years. But this time, it truly is different. Now I know
that most of the time when someone says it's "different this time" you should raise
your eyebrows a bit and take it with a huge grain of salt. More often than not,
it's "never" different this time. So what then makes it different, and why should
we not believe the talking heads?
Once Nixon removed us for the gold standard in 1971, we began building a nation
built on credit and consumption. It was a massive fundamental move from an industrial
nation, to one of services and consumption. Also, almost immediately after cutting
our currency loose from the ties of a "base standard", progress in true wage growth
began grinding to a halt because inflation started to become a drag. When the currency
was pegged loosely to gold, there was only so much money and credit expansion the
FED could do, but when it was cut loose, each dollar the FED printed up lessened
the value of the dollars in circulation. Well, one thing Federal Reserve bankers
have a knack for is printing dollars. So we started getting our first really big
incidents of monetary inflation in the early 70's.
As the economy would contract during recessions, companies would lay off workers
attempting to lower operating costs. This is perfectly normal, and is exactly what
should happen. Even if we lived in a truly free economy, there are always good times
and bad times, that's the market economy's way of keeping things in check. But
when the market is run by a Central bank, they don't like the idea of the bad times,
and try and short circuit it by printing more money and loosening credit via lowering
interest rates. So what would happen is that the economy would begin to slide,
companies would lay off, and then the FED would cut rates and pump money. In a short
period of time, even people that were afraid of being laid off would avail themselves
of all the credit available, and resume spending.
When enough people took advantage of the credit available, even though the unemployment
numbers didn't improve, business conditions would. People were demanding more goods
and services, based on the lower interest rates and available credit, so business
would respond by increasing production. Slowly demand would increase to the point
that they'd have to start hiring workers again to meet the demand. A year later
you could look back at the data and sure enough, economic activity would be shown
to have increased, while unemployment hadn't yet improved. Then finally the employment
picture would improve and things would be humming along again. This is why each
and every talking head on TV will tell you that layoffs and unemployment is a lagging
But this time. it truly is different. Those 40 years of availing themselves to easy
credit left the consumer strapped with too much debt. Combine their debt loads,
with the crash in Real Estate and the economy itself, and then toss in the fact
that banks aren't lending as freely as they used to and you have a situation where
the lower interest rates and trillions in printed money aren't being used. Credit
is virtually frozen except for the very highest credit scores. Commercial credit
is frozen as the banks don't want to lend any more money to build more strip malls
and offices. In other words, unlike any other time in the past 40 years, even people
that would love to take on more debt and buy more "stuff", simply can't. So, they
can't create business demand that would eventually lead to job gains.
That is why it's different this time, and why this employment picture is NOT a lagging
indicator. It's a real time snapshot of what's going on at the moment, and this
time around there aren't a lot of mortgage brokers, auto dealers, and credit card
companies that want to lend money to people who might be unemployed, or who don't
have stellar credit ratings. Between the higher credit standards demanded, along
with their hoarding of money to save their own skins, the artificial demand that
free credit has always created, simply is NOT there. On a more terrifying note,
without people buying things they don't need with money they don't have, the true
economic activity of this country is going to be found to be considerably less than
almost anyone imagines.
So, the first thing to take away from this is simply that the unemployment
numbers are NOT lagging indicators, and anyone that tells you they are is lying.
Consider the things that we are seeing each and every day in the news and frankly
you have to be stone stupid not to realize that America has morphed into something
it shouldn't be, something ugly.
On Tuesday the Senate voted to allow ILLEGAL aliens to collect Social Security.
Excuse me? Doesn't the word ILLEGAL mean that they are doing something not law abiding?
It does. So why then would I want to give part of my tax money to the people doing
something illegal? I don't. In fact, not many do. But what the masses want doesn't
seem to count for much any more. Uncle Sam does what Uncle Sam wants and if you
don't like it, what are you going to do? Think about the news items you see lately.
Uncle sides with labor unions tossing bond holders in the toilet. Four centuries
of contract law goes "poof" overnight. The MIAC puts out a bulletin that if you
support Ron Paul the SENATOR, you could be a terrorist. Children are taken from
parents because the parents won't submit to mandatory vaccinations, some of which
are linked to autism. Banks are allowed to mark their holdings to "fantasy", trillions
are pledged to reinflate the economy while bankers want to return TARP money because
they want to give themselves multimillion dollar bonuses. More and more gun controls
for law abiding citizens while criminals with rap sheets a mile long wander the
streets committing crimes over and over. It just doesn't stop. Each day brings
more insanity.
Yet in the midst of this insanity not a day goes by where there's not another push
for something that will simply help keep us sinking. Cap and Trade for carbon credits
is a TAX that you will not avoid. The resulting inflation will be hellish. They
want even stricter emissions laws and mileage laws, yet we know the vehicles will
cost even more to buy. Commercial real estate is bursting at the seams, as they
can't roll over their debt, and some 550 - 600 small regional banks are on the ropes
because of them. You can rest assured that the FED will hand select whom they want
to let die and whom they will rescue, as they consolidate even more power.
If you think that's all the rantings of a lunatic, well good for you, exit now and
enjoy your fantasy. But it's not fantasy, it's headline news each and every day,
and frankly this nation is being sold a bill of rotten goods. Listen up folks,
and listen well. The banks are insolvent. If they weren't we wouldn't need Turbo
Tax Timmy Geithner on the hill this morning trying to dream up ways to further capitalize
banks. The stress tests were bogus, and according to "them" only 10 of them need
another 85 BILLION or more. That's a passing grade? Wake up and smell the coffee.
They were allowed to mark their toxic assets to fantasy, now calling trash that's
worth 20 cents on the dollar being called "par" or worth a dollar, and even with
that, 10 of them still need billions. It's criminal folks.
Speaking of criminal, What have I been saying for weeks now about the market and
how as it moved higher it would suck in more and more people? Well, all the happy
talk you are hearing is designed to do just that, make people feel better, spend
money, think things are getting better etc. That includes our market folks.
Well, today we got the Federal Reserve minutes from their last meeting. Not only was the
economic data simply horrid, there is one line in there that sticks out like a proverbial
sore thumb. "We expect consumer demand to gradually strengthen in response to higher
equity prices". Now isn't that special. Here's your central bankers telling you
that as the market goes higher, they expect consumers to spend more. Do you think
they might have a reason to "help" this market go higher? Ya think, Denossa?!?
Look folks, all I'm saying is that there are two worlds here right now. The real world
and the fantasy world. What you are hearing from Obama, Geithner, Wall Street and
most media is fantasy. The real world numbers are horrid. Let me quote a few interesting
items in the FED report for you:
Labor market conditions deteriorated further in March. Private nonfarm payroll employment
registered its fifth consecutive large monthly decrease, with losses widespread
across industries. Moreover, the average work week of production and nonsupervisory
workers on private payrolls ticked down in March from the low level recorded in
January and February, and total hours worked for this group stayed below the fourth-quarter
Industrial production fell substantially in March and for the first quarter as a
whole, with cutbacks widespread across sectors, and manufacturing capacity utilization
decreased to a very low level. In contrast, the production of communications equipment
edged up in the first quarter. The output of other consumer durables and business
equipment stayed low, and broad indicators of near-term manufacturing activity suggested
that factory output would contract over the next few months.
The latest readings from the housing market suggested that the contraction in housing
activity might have moderated over the first quarter. This turned out to be wrong.
Real spending on equipment and software dropped markedly in the first quarter, with
declines about as steep and widespread as in the fourth quarter of 2008. Orders
and shipments of nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft fell in March, turning
negative again after having been flat in February. The fundamental determinants
of equipment and software investment stayed weak in the first quarter: Business
output continued to drop sharply, and credit availability was still tight. Despite
the significant cuts in production in recent quarters, inventories remained sizable
early in the year.
Where are the green shoots in that report? Maybe I need to put on my rose colored
glasses to find them? Nah I won't bother, there are no green shoots. In the relatively
near future we're going to get sideswiped by Commercial Real Estate's collapse.
We already have Credit Card delinquencies up to record highs and much more will
follow. Foreclosure sales make up 43% of all houses sold, and housing continues
to fall like a rock. The Pension Benefit Guarantee Corp just came out today and
The potential for General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC to end their plans has left
the PBGC facing the prospect of adding 900,000 current and future beneficiaries.
The PBGC, which pays retirement income to almost 44 million Americans, estimates
that $77 billion of the automotive industry's pensions are underfunded, with about
$42 billion of that guaranteed by the agency for retirees.
As companies close up and cut back on pension benefits, the PBGC is already in
over it's head. They will be at the public trough asking for more money as almost
a million new beneficiaries are tossed on their backs.
No matter where we look all we see is black holes of debt. Mind numbing horrid debt
folks. I am not just saying all this to blow smoke, I'm warning you all that what
you hear on TV from these puppet analysts and White House officials is pure 100%
class A garbage, and we are NOT in recovery mode. What we have is a coordinated
effort to 1) boost the stock market at any cost 2) tell everyone lies about the
economy so everyone basically thinks "hey things are good, I'm the only one struggling,
everyone else is doing fine 3) hope and pray that the consumer feels so good about
his 401K not falling any more that he once again takes on massive debt to buy things
he doesn't need with money he doesn't have. That in a nutshell is all that's going
on. Period.
What I'm trying to say is that we are in a deep recession that is probably in all
honesty a depression as we speak. The happy talk will give way to panic as this
year rolls into next and it's found that none of this monkey business is going to
save us. Just this morning Japan had to admit that it's GDP fell the most and the
fastest in 51 years. That's the second biggest economy on the planet folks. The
world is in a major funk, and I want you all to be prepared when the next leg down
hits for good. There will be a time when another fortune will be made
riding this market all the way down to DOW 4500 or less. I need you all to know
that indeed it is coming.
In the meantime, be proactive and start preparing by attending the webcast each
Tues and Wed at 7pm Central and bring your questions.
Larry Potter
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Why Your Favorite Guru Won't Take Your Phone Call or Return Your E-Mail
My readers often complain to me that the gurus they follow are aloof and inaccessible. You can't reach them by phone... and either you get no reply to your e-mail or you get a reply from an auto-responder.
They feel that this is rude - and it makes them angry. After all, they bought the guru's book or program... or might someday soon. Doesn't that entitle them to some personal time and customized advice from the guru himself?
Well - yes and no.
I answer my own phone... and reply to my own e-mail messages. But I don't think other authors and info marketers are obligated to do so (though I think they should).
When you buy a Stephen King novel, you understand that he does not have to discuss the plot with you - and most likely will not. In the same way, when you buy a business book for $20, you are purchasing the contents - and nothing beyond that. The author may also consult and speak, but he charges thousands of dollars for those services... and buying his book doesn't entitle you to them.
One famous consultant complained to me that some of the subscribers to his free e-zine have the gall to call him up, ask for free advice, and then grumble when they don't get it.
"Do they not realize that my paying clients get first dibs on my time?" he asked me.
I do. It makes sense to me. And I hope to you too. Still, I want to help my readers as much as I can.
So how do I respond to queries and complaints, both phone and e-mail, without becoming overwhelmed - and unable to get my work done?
For e-mail queries and complaints, about 90 percent are routine (e.g., did not receive a product they ordered on my website, can't open the PDF of an e-book, etc.). These I pass on to my assistant, because she can handle them better than I can.
About 10 percent require a more thoughtful answer. These I answer myself - via e-mail or sometimes a brief phone call.
Tip: When a customer registers a problem or complaint via e-mail, calling them on the phone and helping them one-on-one converts them from a complainer into a rabid fan. They are shocked that you actually took the time to call - and care enough to resolve their problem personally.
Of course, I can't talk to everyone all the time. So I use caller ID to screen my inbound phone calls.
After the call, I listen to the voice mail. If it's routine, I pass the request or complaint on to my assistant. If it's a situation where my personal attention would add value or create more satisfaction, I return the call myself.
If you're an information marketer, you'll find that people you don't know are going to try to pump you endlessly for free consulting over the phone - and you want to avoid falling into that trap. Public speaking expert Patricia Fripp has a great technique that I learned from her and use with good results for handling these brain-pickers. When someone who is not a client wants to ask me questions, I say: "My time normally sells for $500 an hour. I will give you five minutes - starting now."
This makes the caller understand that your time is limited... and that by talking with them without charge, you are doing them a favor and giving them something of value.
Five minutes may not seem like much - but at $500 an hour, five minutes of my time is worth almost $42. That's a generous gift to give a total stranger. The time limit also forces callers to get to the point, not waste my time with long explanations, and listen to what I tell them without debate or argument.
Here's another way to save time on answering questions from readers:
Produce content - an FAQ page on your website, a blog, a newsletter, a special report, an information product - on the topics you are asked about most often. Then, when people ask you for advice on Topic X, give them the URL of the website where they can either read your content for free... or purchase your information product on Topic X.
Have I been clear on how to handle inquiries from clients, customers, prospects, readers, and fans? If not, I expect you'll call or e-mail me for clarification - and I welcome hearing from you.
[Ed. Note: Bob Bly is the author of more than 70 books and an undisputed master of the art of selling. Subscribe to his free e-zine, The Direct Response Letter, and claim your free gift worth $116.
Larry Potter
Friday, May 1, 2009
Shake the habit of fretting and stewing about problems that don't exist.
My doctor once told me that medical students are notorious for imagining that they've contracted some terrible disease. The reason, of course, is that they study diseases on a daily basis. Because they are trained to be constantly on the lookout for the life-threatening symptoms they are learning about, it's understandable that they would sometimes imagine they have some of those same symptoms.
Can there be a better definition of joy than the feeling you have when the results of your prostate exam, colonoscopy, pap smear, or mammogram come back negative? Until you get that thumbs-up feedback, it's easy for your mind to play tricks on you and stress you to the limit. It's a classic example of being stressed over a problem that doesn't exist. The problem becomes real only if, and when, the results come back positive.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Social Profit Streams
Hey, it's Larry again,
Because you are one of the special people who visit my blog,
I am giving you advanced notice about
You are not only being invited to a strategic coaching call,
rather, you are being invited to attend what we like to call
What exactly is an IMPLEMENTATION session, and how will you benefit from it?
Simply put, We are not only going to teach you the newest
strategies for success, but MORE IMPORTANT, we are going to
give you the tools you will need to immediately implement
these new strategies to help you:
Convert more SALES.
Spend less TIME on prospecting activities.
Save MONEY on advertising.
Help your team DUPLICATE your success with less EFFORT on your part.
Make more MONEY by attracting the masses that you've been chasing but not converting.
Register Now At:
Larry Potter
social profit streams,larry potter, web 3.0
Friday, April 24, 2009
The Coupon-Clipper's Delight
Solution: Quantity offers, limited-time offers, and trade-in offers are good ways to show prospects that they're getting a good deal.
Technique: Emphasize the discount with call-out boxes. Do the math in $$ if the savings is a percentage discount. In the body of the sales close, try showing the cost and efficiency of your product compared to similar, more expensive products. If you can make the offer time-limited, do so. And put that deadline in a call-out box on the reply page, too. Another idea: Try emphasizing the savings by creating a "price-off" coupon that gets sent back along with the reply card.
Larry Potter
Monday, April 20, 2009
Competitor Category: Bookstores
One competitive strategy to use against bookstores is micro-niching - publishing in a highly specialized niche that trade-book publishers won't touch.
Example: I can go to Barnes & Noble today and find several highly useful - and quite inexpensive - books on social networking. But if I publish a title like "Building Your Dental Practice With Social Networks," that is too narrow a niche for bookstore sales.
Larry Potter
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Shop for a well-maintained home in a well-maintained neighborhood.
However, if you have an immaculate house surrounded by a bunch of slobs, your property values may actually decline because the neighborhood is in poor repair. Look for a well-maintained property in a well-maintained neighborhood to maximize your investment.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
If You're Late on Your Taxes...
Tomorrow's the deadline for filing your taxes, and you're not ready. Maybe you had personal problems. Maybe you kept procrastinating... or are a little lazy. It happens.What should you do? Don't panic...Simply by filing Form 4868, the IRS gives you an automatic extension of six months (until October 15). With the extension, you avoid getting hit with a late-filing penalty, and that can be considerable. The penalty is 5 percent (of the tax you owe) per month up to a maximum of 25 percent of your total tax bill. Avoiding this penalty is too easy to just "let it happen."But, there are still two more ways for Uncle Sam to ding your pocketbook.
Late-payment penalty. If you owe money on your taxes and do not send full payment with the extension application, the late-payment penalty kicks in - and this can be up to another 25 percent of the tax due. Not quite sure how much you owe? Come up with a "ballpark" figure based on your 2007 taxes, and send as much of that as you can. That way, even if you end up owing more, at least you avoid some of the late-payment penalty.
Interest. In addition to the late-payment penalty, you're going to be charged interest on any balance due (tax owed minus the payment you wisely make with Form 4868) at the Federal Short Term Rate plus 3 percent. The rate changes every three months, and the interest is compounded daily. So get Form 4868 filled in and filed NOW!
[Ed. Note: Internet Money Club member Tim Clay, E.A., is an Enrolled Agent - a federally authorized tax practitioner - and a certified QuickBooks Advisor with 25 years of experience. Visit to learn more and sign up for Tim's free tax-tips newsletter.One of the best ways to reduce your tax bill for 2010 - while building a business that could throw off income for years to come - is to further your education. Learn how you could make between $50,000 and $5 million by starting your own Internet business - and get ETR's 10-pound "playbook to Internet riches" right here.]
Larry Potter
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Establish a program that strongly encourages - and rewards - referrals.
Because you've helped them, it gives them pleasure to help you. That psychological boost, in itself, is a reward.
But it doesn't hurt to offer something more tangible.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Be consistent in your marketing.
They might send an email or direct mail piece and then wait months
before sending another one. Without consistency, your prospect has
no idea who you are. Can you imagine how quickly emails from unknown
senders get deleted?
Furthermore, inconsistency can cause a perception of ineffectiveness.
Nobody wants to buy from a company they don't trust.
Larry Potter
Monday, March 30, 2009
Offer something smaller.
That way you will be able to build relationships with them and offer your services to them after they have gotten to know you.
Doing this will get you many more service clients than just promoting your services on social networking web sites.
Larry Potter
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Entrepreneurship in a Pill
The esteemed scientists are exploring the possibility of creating a drug that would replicate the brain chemistry of successful entrepreneurs.
According to Barbara Sahakian, Ph.D., leader of the research team, such a drug has the potential to enhance risk tolerance (necessary for decision making) and cognitive flexibility (necessary for problem solving).
Yep. That'll do it.
(Source: CNN)
Larry Potter
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A marketing move or a gamble?
You could write your ad, and pick a perfect spot to put it, but who knows if it would actually WORK? Would you make the money back that you spent? Did you know that NOBODY knows the answer to this question right off the bat? Not even the most seasoned marketing experts.
Of course, with experience comes a better ability to guess. But there's a way to take the guesswork out of it. Once I learned about this, I simply haven't been able to not do it. And I've heard the same from countless marketers out there.
Why gamble if you don't have to? The answer? TEST your marketing.
Instead of just taking out one ad and seeing if it works...Takeout a few. And make them different. Then, measure the responses, and you'll be gathering hard, statistical information on what works and what doesn't.
It sounds simple, but once you get into it, you're on to the real power of marketing. You will learn so much from this, I promise.
One of the best things you can look at for learning purposes is how many of your emails were opened, based on a given subject line. After trying a few different subject lines and looking at the percentage that are opened, you will really hone your skills on how to write effective subject lines for a given situation.
The subject line is the most important feature of an email too-- if it isn't any good, the rest of the email won't even be read -- they never opened it!
Larry Potter
Friday, March 20, 2009
Why the Words You Use Might Be Sabotaging Your Success
By Yanik Silver
Words are words, right? If you make a mistake and tell yourself "I'm an idiot," you're joking, of course. So it doesn't really matter. Or does it?
In fact, the more you say the same things over and over to yourself the more you internalize them.
Play back your built-in recorder and listen to the words you use when talking about money and success. Are you guilty of saying negative things like "filthy rich," "I can't afford that," or "look at those rich people - they're so lucky"?
Pay attention when you're talking to yourself and to others and you'll be shocked at the self-defeating language that creeps in.
One word I've worked hard to get rid of in my own life is "try." I bet you can catch yourself saying it to a friend. ("I'll try to make it tonight.") Or to a customer. ("I'll try to get that over to you today.") Umm... B.S.! Either you will or you will not.
Reframe negative talk and turn it around.
In his Rich Dad series, Robert Kiyosaki frequently uses the example of the Poor Dad saying "I can't afford this" and the Rich Dad asking himself, instead, "How can I afford this?"
That's a completely different and empowering statement.
"I can't..." or "I won't..." closes you down to solutions. "How can I...?" or "How will I...?" causes your brain to search for the answer to the problem.
[Ed. Note: Master Internet marketer Yanik Silver ( knows that attitude and positive thinking can make or break your business or your career.
For countless more tips on defeating the "self-sabotaging" behaviors to which you are prone, check out Early to Rise's Unscrew Your Life newsletter.]
Larry Potter
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Importance of Being Urgent
There's one thing that all successful Internet marketers and business owners I've come in contact with have in common.
A sense of urgency.
Successful entrepreneurs look at practically every moment of every day as a challenge -and they attack it accordingly. This need for achievement motivates them to turn their ideas into action.
On the other end of the spectrum are "passive" entrepreneurs. They live every day pursuing their dreams safely, never taking risks or pushing the envelope, and hoping something good will happen.
I'm not just talking out of my keister here. I'm a living, breathing example of a former passive personality.
It wasn't until a mentor shook me from the doldrums and forced me to take that first step into the unknown that I started to see some serious results.
Why? Because successful people act from a sense of urgency.
So today, I want you to do exactly what I did. Ditch the passive nature and begin looking at your dreams with a SENSE OF URGENCY.
Tell yourself, "Today, I'm going to make a change and act from a sense of urgency. And these are the first two actions I'm going to take..."
[Ed. Note: Rich Schefren - one of the world's best small-business strategists - knows a thing or two about what it takes to be successful. The businesses he coaches have done over $500 million every year - piling up more than $1 billion in sales every two years. Visit his blog to learn how to streamline your business while skyrocketing profits.
The ability to sell is another trait shared by successful entrepreneurs. If you don't know how to sell, you're LOSING money. It's time to amp up your selling skills. You can learn how to do it from Gene Schwartz, one of the world's best copywriters. Get the details here.]
Larry Potter
Monday, March 16, 2009
Future Time...
Where is your business focusing?
I've found that one of the most powerful practices as an entrepreneur is to spend a day away from the office, dream a little, and envision my company 1, 3, 5 years into the future.
When I occasionally "fly into the future" it makes it easier to come back to the present, push through obstacles, and chart my course to the future I have envisioned.
Spend some time in the future and you'll be able to "skate to where the puck is going to be!"
Larry Potter
Thursday, March 12, 2009
The "No Response Necessary" E-Mail Productivity Trick
Some days it seems like half your e-mail time is spent sending short replies to people to let them know you got their e-mail.
"Thanks!" "Got it!" "Working on it!"
Of course, there are times when an important e-mail requires confirmation. But for the most part, it's just a courtesy.
So let's all agree to stop. It cuts down on productivity. And the time would be better spent writing and following up on e-mails that do require a response.
So here's what you do. Before hitting "Send," type "No Response Necessary" in the message or even on the subject line. (In Outlook, you can simply click the little red flag on your toolbar and choose that option from the dropdown menu.)
Ask your colleagues to do the same. Before you know it, that flurry of unnecessary replies will stop and you will have added hours to your workweek.
Larry Potter
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Don't Improve Your Weakest Area
Warren Buffett made this point some years ago in a lecture to a group of college students. He told his audience that he is not very strong, not very fast, not very physical, not very athletic. "If I was dropped in the middle of Africa, I'd be eaten by a lion within two minutes." However, because he is good at one thing - investing in the stock market - Buffett is an extremely wealthy man.
You don't have to be good at a lot of things. Find one thing in life that you love - that turns you on, that you are passionate about - and keep doing it. The more you do it, the better you'll get at it.
Of course, to ensure financial success, that "thing" - that singular passion - must be something others will pay money for. To paraphrase Aristotle, "Where your passions intersect with the needs of the public, therein lies your vocation."
A mistake many people make is to work to improve themselves in areas where they are weak. What you should do instead is work to improve yourself in the one area where you are strongest.
Why? Because we are a society of specialists.
Success does not come from being a Jack of all trades and a master of none. It comes from mastering a skill or body of knowledge that others - employers or customers - will pay you to share.
Society admires the Renaissance man, the well-rounded individual. But more often than not, it's the singularly focused person - Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Tiger Woods - who reaps the greatest rewards.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I Shocked By Saturday Night Live Skit...
and opened with this...
"It was announced by Warren Buffet today that he will keep
investing in the stock market even though it is in turmoil..."
and then the punch line went something like....
"It just goes to show you that as long as you have billions of
dollars, everything is still ok."
Without trying to... Saturday Night Live had taught millions of
viewers a HUGE lesson if they were paying attenton.
A lesson that I have been trying to teach YOU.
The lesson is this...
When you create your own wealth and are in control of what you
make, there is no such thing as a bad economy.
In fact, a bad economy INCREASES the wealth of those who can offer
solutions to people's money problems.
I have been presenting you will a few solutions to your time,
financial, and lifestyle freedom issues.
I am currently featuring a program because it fits the needs of
today's opportunity seeker.
It's VERY inexpensive, it is extremely simple, and most
importantly... it can produce a MASSIVE extra income very quickly.
Home Seller Assist
In fact, I have been able to use the program above to turn a single
$697 spend into over $57,000 in 9 months.
If it's not for you, that's ok. Just find SOMETHING that is.
Take a look at the link above and I am pretty sure
that you will be impressed.
Bottom line is that unless you want to always be at the mercy of
things that you cannot control like the economy, your employer,
etc... you have to create your OWN wealth.
I am here to help you.
To Your Success,
Larry Potter
Monday, March 9, 2009
Content at Your Fingertips
Do a quick Google search for "books public domain," and you'll find tons of possibilities. But as veteran copywriter and marketing expert Bob Bly points out, there is an "analog" method for finding public domain works too. And this one can be even better, because it allows you to thumb through the material to make sure it suits your needs.
Bob's recommendation is to check out used bookstores for old books in your niche. Books published prior to 1963 that have not had their copyrights renewed are fair game, and you are free to do with them as you wish. (Check the U.S. Copyright Office records first - - to be sure.)
Larry Potter
Saturday, March 7, 2009
3 Tips for Attracting New Clients Even During a Slow Economy
Despite anything that is happening in the world today, your market still wants solutions to their problems, and maybe more now than ever. So here are three things that you can do right now to start converting those prospects into paying clients.
1. Ask your market what their biggest obstacle is. I did this just the other day and got great results and new ideas for my business. If you have an ezine or newsletter list, simply send out an email asking them to tell you what their biggest obstacle is related to your business. While you're at it, ask them what their biggest desire is too. Stop assuming to know what it is that they want and just ask them.
2. Create a program that will remove the obstacle and create the desire. Package a program with a beginning, middle, end and intended results. Take the most common response from #1 that you feel confident you can approach and you now have a solution that your market will pay for.
3. Take away the risk. If you get results from your clients, then back it up. Let them know that you will guarantee the results. Don't worry about people asking for their money back. The additional clients and customers that you'll get from offering some sort of guarantee will more than cover the small percentage of people who will ever ask for their money back.
All three steps can be done in a couple days. Put the question out to your list, outline a program based on the results and remove the risk for people to get involved.
Start with step one today.
Don't put it off and wait until tomorrow, because odds are it won't get done.
A Helpful Solution just for YOU!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Be a Leader
Leaders are even more important during times of financial trouble, when folks are scared to make decisions on their own. They look to someone who has the courage to act, the guts to take risks, and the nerve to stand up to criticism. These are the characteristics that set leaders apart from followers.
Identify the key factors that separate you from your competition and start telling the world about it!
Be a leader. Take charge.
No one is going to do it for you. You have to stand up and deliver on your own.
Larry Potter
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
4 Ways to Make MORE Money in a Stinking Recession
Now I don't mean to make light of a serious situation. I know that a lot of very big companies have been caught with their pants down, so to speak. And I know that many good, honest folks have lost a lot of money - or even their jobs - as a result of the current crisis, through absolutely no fault of their own.
But that doesn't mean you should hide your head in the sand and wait for "the good times to roll" again before you embark on a new business venture. The truth is, NOW is the best time - especially on the Internet.
Businesses that are launched in hard times are better equipped to survive than those that grow bloated and fat during times of surplus spending. But in order to thrive during an economic slowdown, you need to know how to do things the smart way, and not waste money you don't have on strategies that won't work.
Today, I'd like to share with you four cheap and easy ways to create new streams of income with an Internet business.
Without further ado, here they are:
#1. Generate passive income with a niche website like We Provide The Cash
A niche-centered Internet business is the best way to profit from a downturn, because the cost of entry is so low... and the upside is enormous.
On top of that, an Internet business is very forgiving. You never have to "bet the farm" on an idea. You test it out, and if it isn't working, you find out right away. Then, you can either fix it or move on to something better.
#2. Join an affiliate program that aligns with your current business model.
This is the fastest way to grow an existing Internet business, guaranteed.
Your customers are very likely to buy from you again and again - but how do you get them to do that if you have only one product? Easy. You offer them affiliate products.
All you need to do is conduct some research into your market and discover what products your audience is clamoring for (beyond what you already provide).
Then you find an affiliate program that offers such products, and sign up with them.
Then you simply e-mail your customers special offers for those products... mention them on your site, in your e-newsletter, and in your blog... and watch the orders come rushing in!
#3. Start a blog or e-newsletter to strengthen your relationship with your customers.
In turbulent times, the businesses that are truly successful go the extra mile to build a strong relationship with their customers and prove that they always have their customers' best interests in mind.
Starting a blog or e-newsletter is a great way to do this. It helps you personalize your Internet business, and allows your customers to get a glimpse of the people behind the scenes. This goes a long way toward reassuring wary online shoppers that you're someone they want to do business with.
Not only that... search engines absolutely love the fresh and frequently updated content in blogs and e-newsletters. And that means you'll get a big boost in the search engine rankings and drive more qualified visitors to your site.
Write helpful articles to boost your reputation.
An effective way to spread the word about your business and boost your reputation as an "expert" is to write free articles on topics related to your industry, and then submit them to the Internet's top article directories.
The benefits of doing this are twofold...
1. Your target audience will become familiar with your name, and will be far more likely to buy your products.
2. The links you'll get from the articles that point back to your site will give you a nice boost in your search engine rankings.
The bottom line is that every little thing counts. You have to do what you can to separate yourself from the pack and stand out from your competitors. And you have to keep your eyes open for every opportunity to add new streams of income to your business.
This is especially important during an economic slowdown. If one or more income streams dry up, your business will continue to thrive.
With an Internet business, you never have to worry. As long as you build the business on a solid niche, and are always looking for ways to diversify your income streams, you'll be able to keep afloat... even when others around you are drowning.
Larry Potter
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Taking The Tour
Friday, February 27, 2009
Business is about freedom.
This is a subtle point that many miss. Many people join a network marketing company and think of the idea of earning a large income and falsely equate that to security.
So what happens? They get going, they start to follow the advice of their sponsor, and they start to see the tough road ahead of them. At some point down that road they start to realize that they are working pretty hard, but they are not making much income. It's at this point that the questions start to simmer up. "Is this worth it?" "Am I really getting anywhere?" Etc.
The answer is yes, but most miss this. Why? They view their network marketing business through the eyes of an employee. They start to equate time to money and realize that they are putting a lot in for little return. They start to get depressed and many eventually give up. It's a shame, but it happens everyday.
It's not because the Home Seller Assist program doesn't offer far more than a job, but rather because they view their business through the same mental lens as they do a job which is, of course,wrong.
A job offers a certain sense of security. You put in time -you get paid for that time. If that's what you're after network marketing isn't for you. In fact, if security is your goal here's how to guarantee yourself ultimate security. Trot down to your neighborhood store and rob the place, but make sure you get caught. Do this and you secure your future. You'll never have to pay for lodging and you'll never have to worry about where money for your next meal is coming from.
At what cost? Jail is the ultimate in security but there is no freedom to be found there. This example is the extreme, but realize that the J.O.B. world is the really no different.You give up freedom for the security of a timely paycheck. Network marketing on the other hand offers you freedom, but guarantees you no security. Which would you choose in the grand scheme?
Business and more specifically your We Provide The Cash business is a risk and fight, but a good one. It's to those that realize what freedom means to them and fight on despite the initial outcome that win the prize.
So take some time today to think about what your Home Seller Assist business REALLY means to you. (I know what it means to me, and it's a fight you won't soon see me retreat from.)
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Prices are flat or down just about everywhere.
neighborhoods been available at such depressed prices. There are foreclosure bargains in every
price range. And suggested government programs may subsidize the liquidation of these
foreclosure properties at even lower prices. It's a true buyer's market.
That's why those working the Home Seller Assist program, createdby John Alexander and also known as We Provide The Cash are doingso well in this market.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Many famous, successful people start off in places worse than we're at.
Jennifer Aniston was both a telemarketer and waitress before hitting it big.
Halle Berry worked at Higbee's Department store in the children's department.
Chubby Checker plucked chickens at a poultry market named Henry Colt's.
Bill Cosby shined shoes and sold produce when he was young.
Michael Dell washed dishes at a Chinese restaurant for $2.30 per hour.
So what does this have to do with networking and your business?
Well everyday there are emails from home business owners who’ve just gotten started in a great opportunity like the We Provide The Cash business, also known as Home Seller Assist, created by John Alexander.
They're All At The Bottom, And They're All Asking The Same Thing…
“I’m a brand new distributor for my company, but I’m on a very limited advertising budget. I need to make money fast. What should I do first!?”
Well that’s a perfectly reasonable question, and the information I’m about to share with you allowed one person to go from waiting tables, to 7-figures in less than 18 months.
But the first thing I want you to know is that you’re really not disadvantaged if you’re building on a budget. I know that might be hard to swallow, but your limited budget only becomes a problem when you try to pursue your business in the same manner as someone who ISN’T on a budget. Which is exactly what most new business owners do. They throw every last dime they can find into leads, PPC campaigns, postcards, banners, and co-ops, and that’s fine if you’re already making money, but if you’re on a budget, watch out…
Spending your limited funds on an advertising campaign is the biggest mistake you can make. Why?Because if you spend your $500 on leads, PPC, fliers, business cards, or a postcard campaign, you’ll probably get a few prospects, but if you don’t sponsor any of them, you’re back to square one. There’s no way to leverage the results over and over again in the future.Once you’ve called through your leads, it’s game over! You need more leads!And now you’re forced to spend more money to keep this endless cycle going. It’s like trying to build a business “from pay-check to pay-check”, and only a lucky few will ever come out ahead before they’re financially forced to call it quits.
Commodity investors don't physically buy orange juice and store it at their home. Just like leads, the juice goes bad over time. Instead, they invest in commodities stocks because they can be leveraged over and over again in the future.
So what I’d like to do now is give you an alternative option for one simple reason… It’s the strategy that allowed one person to go from waiting tables to 7 figures within 18 months.
So Here’s What You Do…What you want to do is invest your funds into “high leverage” skills and simple activities, which you can use over and over again to quickly and easily produce more leads any time you want… for FREE.
And that’s become very easy to do thanks to some BIG changes which have taken place in the online world recently…If you were going to market online in the past, you had to be a certified search engine expert, or a wizard at pay-per-click with deep pockets full of cash in order to get enough traffic. It hasn’t been easy, and most new business owners who didn’t grow up with a Play Station in their hands feel intimidated by it.
Well thanks to new Web 2.0 sites we have today like MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube, CraigsList, and Ebay, you don’t have to spend big bucks, to tap into this massive flood of FREE traffic… I mean why pay for leads and advertising when you can get them for free!? And the best part is that you don’t even need to be a computer expert to start using these simple tactics the very same day…
Obviously if someone’s on a budget, they can’t afford to spend a lot of money on a marketing course. Second, it has to be easy to follow and understand, even for people who aren’t very computer savvy. Personally, I learn best when I can watch someone actually do it for me first…
Remember... At one point or another, you're going to have a new member asking you, "what should I do now? I don't have a lot of money to spend on marketing?"
I use this stuff every single day and it’s easier than you think.
Learn more now and put your Home Seller Assist business on steroids!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Real Estate Marketing - Using Forums to Market Your Business
One of the first uses of the Internet was the Bulletin Board, or online forum. Back in the early days, people would log in to the Internet and post questions or comments and others would answer or reply. This way of conducting conversations caught on fairly quickly and forums are an integral part of our online usage today.
Finding the Right Forum
To get started in using online forums, you must first find the right forum or two for your area of expertise. Using your favorite search engine, try searching for "your target market" plus the word "forum" or "discussion board". Chances are, you'll receive a myriad of results. Take some time to visit a few of these forums to judge the activity and see if there are enough people actually communicating to make this a worthwhile investment of your time and resources.
Creating Forums
If you have an established website, you may want to consider creating a forum yourself. This forum can speak directly to those in your target market. For instance, you could create a forum for First Time Homebuyers. Give it a catchy name based on keywords that folks use when searching for first time home buying information, and start posting valuable information. Allow others to join and ask questions or leave comments. And then reply to them, creating a relationship.
How to Respond on Forums
Once you've found the perfect forum to begin to use, make sure that you are careful about self-promoting. Be sure to read the rules and regulations for the forum, as each one is different. Some have special days where you are free to post advertisements or promote your services. Others only allow you to put one active link in your signature, while still others have a requirement that you post X number of times before being allowed to have a signature or send an advertisement.
Bonus Tip: By constantly providing good, quality information and answers for other people, you are establishing your expert status and will build client-generating relationships! Forums are a great way to begin to market yourself online.
And now I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to my e-course, "Your First Social Network" when you visit This beginners guide to Social Networking will help you take that next step in marketing Real Estate online!
From Rebekah Jones, Real Estate Virtual Assistant and the network.
Article Source:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How can I value what I sell without just making up numbers?
For example, you can slap any old price claim on an ebook you sell, but does it make sense? If you're selling an ebook about how to write affiliate promotion emails, you can say it's worth $997, but that probably won't sound reasonable to people. It might actually be worth that, but it's a tough case to make.
So how do you determine what a reasonable value is? There aren't any rules like "ebooks aren't ever worth more than $37", but here are some suggestions for valuing things:
* The more material you offer, the higher the value. An ebook that's only 15 pages long probably has a lower value than one that's 100 pages.
* If you've sold something before, the previous sale price is a supportable starting point for value. That video course you sold for $97 is probably worth it,assuming some people bought.
* Audio and video tend to be perceived as more valuable.You can make a case for a higher value for videos than you can for an ebook, at least most of the time.
* If the topic is new and hot, the perceived value is higher, so you can place a higher value on it. An ebook about how to build a list probably should have a lower value than an ebook about how to profit from YouTube, for example.
Like I said, there aren't really any rules about assigning values to things. What really counts is that you can back up your value claims, and that they seem reasonable.
And one last point... Make sure the total value of what you offer isn't so crazy high that people question what your product is worth, based on what you're actually charging.
For example, let's say you offer a product with multiple components, and the value adds up to something like $8,917. That's great, but if you're only charging $37 for the product, people might wonder if your product is junk.They might say, "It can't really be worth that if he's only selling it for $37."
It's probably smarter to knock your value claim down a bit to make your price look good, but not too cheap.
3-Step E-Mail Elimination

1:Categorize your e-mail messages in reverse chronological order (most recent at the top to the least recent at the bottom).
2: Quickly scan all of your messages and make certain there aren't any critical ones ( like those dealing with the We Provide The Cash, also know as Home Seller Assist ) that you've opened but haven't yet responded to. (You'll take care of those as soon as you finish this 60-second elimination procedure.) Then highlight all e-mail messages - opened and unopened - that are over 72 hours (three days) old.
3: After all those old e-mail messages are highlighted, take a 10-second deep breath... and then take five seconds to put your index finger on the DELETE key and press it down firmly.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Everyone wants to know what the “best way” to build their business is.
Methods that bring the highest reward for the least amount of effort, and most distributors are on a constant journey to find this holy grail.
But we’re leaving out one part of the equation… You.
We all come to the table with different strengths, weaknesses, and abilities, and THESE factors determine what methods will work best for you as an individual.
Now if you’re new to the industry, you’re going to need to figure out which methods work best for YOU.
If the old-school ways don’t appeal to you, that’s fine. They didn’t appeal to me either. It doesn’t mean that my way works better than someone else’s. Both methods will require years of study and practice to master.
You need to approach your business using methods that are congruent with your interests and strengths.
Over time, I was able to come to a conclusion about my business, and the way I wanted to build it…
Many people have called it visionary. A few have scoffed and mumbled nasty things under their breath.
My method was as follows:
1: The best target market for prospects consists of distributors and leaders who are already in the industry. Instead of cold calling them, a minimum of 20-30 were going to contact me daily. This was accomplished not by pitching an opportunity, but by solving their problems and addressing their needs.
2: I was not going to chase or convince people to join my business. I was going to attract them to me by demonstrating value and leadership through effective marketing.
3: I was not going to sit on the phone all day pitching my opportunity to individuals. Instead I would use effective copywriting to sell to large numbers of people via email, and the web at once.
4: In the course of building a downline, I would expand my business vertically, and own the tools and systems used by the rest of the company.
5: I wasn’t going to focus on simply building a networking opportunity, which may or may not be here in 5 years. My focus was on building “You Inc”, which is my list, and the reputation I have with my list.
My list would become a virtual distribution channel.
This would bring stability, and allow me to build another downline with the click of a mouse, should something ever happen to the primary opportunity.
95% of prospects will say “no” to your products or business. I would find a way to make these people customers in other ways by providing solutions to their biggest problems, which would triple my income.
The long-term goal was not to build just a downline. It was to build a business that served the industry at large.
Now I’m not saying that my method is “the best”, but I can tell you this…
Following this plan has allowed me to accomplish all of my goals, and then some…
I haven’t called a lead in two years, but I’ve built one of the largest downlines in the Home Seller Assist company.
By adding value to the industry, I attract many networkers per day.
I’ve been able to produce a nice income from our primary opportunity, and more income by serving the 95% who said “no” to it…
By passing on my knowledge and methods,, I’ve been able to help 100’s… If not 1,000’s, quit their jobs and become financially independent.
Yet in the end, the techniques are simply my method. It might appeal to you, or it might not.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Team member from Reno
Friday, February 13, 2009
The delete key is my friend
Solve that now....
SEND less e-mail!
Yes, it's not the be-all and end-all of the problem.
But there's no question about it...
When you get on an e-mail-sending binge, you pay for it later BIG TIME... in the form of all those replies.
Which multiples the problem!
So, think carefully about what you're doing and try to come up with alternate options.
How about a quick visit to the office next door solve this or a 30-second phone call? Or will benign neglect work out just fine?
Just keep telling yourself: "The delete key is my friend, the delete key is my friend!"
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Student/College Jobs Now Available
Monday, February 9, 2009
Let go, believe, and simply take immediate actions.
It's far easier to do what's comfortable and known than it is to try something totally different.
It's risky to try new things. We don't know what could happen. The fear alone is enough to stunt out efforts working the We Provide The Cash program.
You've got to be willing to let go, open yourself up to new opportunities, and finally . . .
Act in the face of perceived uncertainty. Do this and reap the initial rewards of those actions quickly.
Results are available to each and every one of us.
In entrepreneurial pursuits, set it as a precedent to acquire good information from those who have been where you want to go like Larry Potter at
Be willing to follow that advice FULLY, and once acted upon with speed you will find yourself reaching income and business goals you once thought to be totally out of reach with the Home Seller Assist program that was created by John Alexander.